miércoles, abril 29, 2009

She remembers sight

New Zealand poet Michele Leggott describes how her writing process has changed over the past twenty years of losing her vision. She explains that she can "project [her visual memories] into writing"; this process can give them back to her. When she talks about writing on the computer screen, relying on gigantic font, she ends with this beautiful image: "It is as if I am passing a huge magnifying glass over this language." I've enjoyed listening to her experience. You may too.

By the way, I wrote this blurb. Feel free to let me know what works, what your blurb would be. Is it even called that?

viernes, abril 24, 2009

"Before your death now"

Digital Archive, a journal I've happily encountered for the first time, offers a second issue on Transnationalism. Listen to Lily Robert-Foley's "About the author and the translator" for a swirling Borges biography.

sábado, abril 18, 2009

Let Light

I do what some may consider unimaginable: I revise deep inside the archives of this blog. No new post. But somewhere in the middle, rarely to be encountered, a new word. Or one gone missing.

The blog, this medium, certainly isn't suited for backlog revising, but I like it. I have reasons too, but providing them extends beyond my time now. Not a lot.

Last night my friend J mentioned her tendency to excise words in her poems.

And dears, how do I get started on the forty-some papery writing journals I have? Much, much to excise. Or is it some forty?

In a few years, I hope that I am not "pushing forty" (how it sounds so heavy). I will grow light. Lighter and lighter. Let light

viernes, abril 17, 2009

A poem and its visual wonders

Do you have a few minutes? Visit Jon Woodward's "Poems to Stare At." Let it be a little retreat for you.

For starters, I tried the 3-minute one. My soundtrack (all of our soundtracks will vary) was a man outside shaking a spray paint can. With this poem, he wore a mustache. Thank you, neighbor.

jueves, abril 16, 2009

Robin Blaser

Robin Blaser reading poems at Berkeley. If you've just quit your job, there is a special treat for you.